I’m going to talk to my ladies tonight. Let me start by quoting one of my favorite artists.
“Cuz, I am superwoman. Yes I am. Even when I’m a mess, I still put on a vest with an “S” on my chest. Oh, yes I’m a superwoman” -Alicia Keys
If this is you, ask yourself why do we do that to ourselves? And yes, I am asking myself that question as well because I am very guilty of keeping the “S” vest on all the time. I find myself trying to be everything to everybody (and sometimes leaving nothing for myself). I’m a full time mother, a full time caregiver, an educator, a district leader within education, an active aunt, a sister, a girlfriend, and the “strong” friend. Add all of that up and you get one exhausted woman. But often instead of stepping back when things get overwhelming, I put on my big girl panties and my “S” vest and keep it pushing. However, it shouldn’t be that way.
As strong women we should be okay with taking that vest off and allowing ourselves time to not be okay or allowing others to step up and take charge of the situation. When will we realize that taking everything on ourselves is not the solution. It’s alright to say “No” or simply “I don’t want to”. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed or like you have too much on your plate, just try saying NO. Now, your friends or family might look at you like you crazy or your husband may be a little confused by being told no, but I promise you, they will get over it and will probably even figure it out without you. While I understand that “stuff” has to get done, that doesn’t mean that you have to do it. Delegate and teach your kids, husband, employees, and friends to be a litte more independent (I’m preaching to myself right now). But that’s a blog for another day.
This is the starting point to consistent self-care. Learn to protect your peace and put yourself first on a consistent basis. Things may not get done exactly the way we would have done it or to our liking 100% but be okay with that. Find time for leisure. That’s not a luxury, but rather a necessity to keep yourself happy and those around you happy. Give the world the best of you, not what’s left of you.
Let’s start normalizing taking the “S” vest off and making time to just relax, renew, and re-energize.