Earlier today I had the best date ever!! This date was all about what I wanted to do and when I wanted to do it, not to mention my companion was great company. The morning was so relaxing and well-needed. Before you all get to much farther into the story I must tell you who my date was with……
It was ME!! Yep, that’s right. I took myself out on a date this morning. And let me tell you why. As a woman that wears many hats; caregiver, mother, sister, professional leader, and strong friend, sometimes life can get overwhelming, and we tend to forget about ourselves and taking care of our own needs. I needed to spend some time with me and my thoughts in order to refocus. So, I took my own advice and dated myself.
Today happened to be a day off from work for me. I didn’t tell anyone I had the day off because when folks know you have idle time, they like to fill it. I’m positive that my little bit of caregiving help that I have during the day would have opted out if they knew I was off. Instead, I decided to just take a day for me. I had an awesome massage, took myself to breakfast, did a little shopping, and ended the date with a much-needed pedicure. It was great to just be one with my thoughts, relax, and take care of me.
I could have called someone else to go with me, but part of my mental, spiritual, and personal growth includes getting to know me better and nurturing my own soul so that I can nurture other relationships. Dating yourself allows you to have some self-care while at the same time delve deeper into who you are, your likes and dislikes without all the “noise” in the background. It involves love, care, and spoiling yourself from time to time. It’s one of the only times you can prioritize you own thoughts and desires without being considered selfish.
If you are surrounded by too much noise, not consistently practicing self-care, or just moving through life day by day, please considering finding an opportunity to take yourself on a date. You don’t have to always wait on your friends or significant other to do things you enjoy. You are your best company. Going on a solo date means that you are showing yourself love and prioritizing your needs. This is good for both you and those around you.